The heron lives between realms, one foot in water, one foot on earth.

Like The Hermit in tarot, the heron knows the importance of stillness. When we get quiet, we can hear our most authentic inner voice, the knowing behind any anxiety or worry. This is where our magic resides, along with the innate wisdom of Spirit that lives inside all of us.

Going within helps us spread our wings. We are guided to discover our greatest truths and make choices that help shape our world. The peace found in Reiki and meditation helps us access the messages our soul longs to hear. It helps us trust ourselves. It helps us get grounded and learn patience so that we know when it’s the right time to move.

Herons are multifaceted, complex creatures. They know who they are, and they know we’re never alone. We are always connected to Spirit and to our community. We need each other. Our actions and energy affect those around us, so when we tend to ourselves, we are also better able to help the collective.

Herons tread lightly on the Earth, gliding towards their dreams, rooted in love right here in the present moment. Interdependence and cooperation, self-acceptance, universal love for all beings, the freedom and liberation to march, fly, sit, or float to the beat of our own drum—that’s heronkind.

Herons have long been associated with magical waters, intuition and divine knowledge.

Like owls, ravens, hawks, and other birds, herons are messengers from Spirit. They serve as an example of what it means to live in alignment with the Earth.

When we heal ourselves, we heal the planet. “You take care of her, she takes care of you.” One of my spirit guides shared this message with me, and it has become a guiding force in my life, my creativity, and my healing practice.

When we channel Reiki for ourselves and others, any energy that isn’t used for our own healing goes back into the earth. How wonderful is that? There is no greater time to focus on our healing and to help heal the earth in any way we can.

At the same time, when we take action to alleviate climate change, end our reliance on fossil fuels, and fight for environmental justice along with queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color on the frontlines, we help create a world and a future that is safe, loving and joyful for everyone.

When we take care of the earth, she takes care of us. Healing starts within and radiates outward, creating ripples of magic throughout the world and beyond.

Reiki, meditation, astrology, tarot, and other forms of healing can help get us there. Heronkind offers stories and healing, inspiration and community for all beings ready to embrace our magic and the divine gifts we each have to share.