7 Tips for How to Pick a Tarot or Oracle Deck

If you’re like me, you’ll gravitate towards one or two decks over time and form a relationship that makes you turn to them again and again. Or, you might enjoy a variety, using certain decks for certain moon phases or holidays. Ultimately, trust what calls to your inner wisdom.

There are so many beautiful decks out there. How do you pick the right one for you? I’ve gotten this question a lot recently. It’s so subjective and unique to each individual, but here are a few guideposts I recommend when searching for that perfect companion for your magical practice.

  1. Artwork: What inspires you? What symbolism speaks to your intuition? Do you prefer animals or human figures? Color or black and white? What will help you remember the meaning of a card? You’ll spend half the time shuffling the deck and looking at the backs of the cards, so this really matters too What’s your aesthetic? What will make you want to use your deck? What imagery brings you comfort and inspiration?

  2. Creator/author: Does the creator of the deck resonate with you? Do you like the way they write or speak about tarot? Look them up on social media or research their website. What was their purpose in creating the deck? Even though you’ll eventually create your own meanings and might not even look at the book that much or at all as you deepen into your practice, feeling connected to the author’s intention is important, especially as you’re learning.

  3. Diversity: How well does the deck represent you and your identities? Traditional decks tend to be pretty gendered. Do you want a gender-neutral or genderless deck? Are you looking for clear depictions of people of color and queer representation? This was super important to me when choosing the decks I use with my clients and for my own personal practice. Be sure your deck makes you feel seen and heard.

  4. Size: What size deck feels good in your hands? How do you like to shuffle? Do you want a traditionally-sized deck, a pocket deck that’s good for travel, or an altar-sized deck with larger cards to display and use as art pieces? If you’re able to go into a store and play around with a few decks, this could help you decide. Get a feel for what works best depending on your style and comfort.

  5. Cost and Accessibility: Not everyone can afford a super expensive deck or purchasing multiple decks. Pick one that feels like a reasonable investment given your own resources, and spend your time researching so you don’t feel like it wasn’t a worthwhile purchase. If you’re able to collect many decks over time, consider gifting the ones you don’t use anymore to friends, or reselling them to make back some dough. If you can shop from local gift, witch, or book shops, that’s a particularly great way to support small businesses and artists you believe in.

  6. Trusting Spirit: What deck just feels right to you? Which deck do you believe your spirit guides and ancestors speak to you through the most when you use it? If you’re like me, you’ll gravitate towards one or two decks over time and form a relationship that makes you turn to them again and again. Or, you might enjoy a variety, using certain decks for certain moon phases or holidays. Ultimately, trust what calls to your inner wisdom.

  7. Tarot or Oracle: What’s the difference? Tarot decks follow a traditional structure, with Major Arcana cards like The Fool and The Empress and Minor Arcana cards in the suits of Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles. Most tarot decks use this format, but many have begun renaming these archetypes based on the theme of the deck and to be more inclusive. Oracle decks sometimes follow this structure, though much more subtlely, and most ditch the structure entirely and instead focus on a theme, like fairies, flowers, or crystals. Either way, you can use any deck to ask questions for inspiration and support. It’s just a matter of preference.

I hope this helps! Let me know what tips/criteria you use when choosing a deck. Interested in a reading? You can check out my offerings and book a session today.

Best wishes for finding your favorite deck!


Cards above from top to bottom, left to right: The Gentle Tarot Pocket Deck, The Wild Unkown Archetypes Oracle Deck, The Lioness Oracle Tarot Deck, The Modern Witch Tarot Deck, The Stars Divine Oracle Deck, Neo Tarot, The Nocturna Oracle Deck, The Crystal Universe Oracle Deck, and The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck


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